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= (1)
其中 表示t期直接标价法的名义汇率,和 分别表示本国和外国在t时期的一般物价水平.相对购买力平价则将汇率在一段时间内的变动归因于两个国家在这一段时期中的物价水平的变化.其认为价格和汇率会在保持各国货币的国内和国外购买力不变的情况下发生变化.
其中t表示基期,o表示标准期.和 分别表示标准期相对于基期的本国和外国的物价指数,(3)式体现了两国间汇率变化和物价指数间的关系.也反映了如果本国的通货膨胀率相对高于外国的通货膨胀率,则汇率上升,本币贬值; 若本国的通货膨胀率相对低于外国的通货膨胀率,则汇率下降,本币升值.相对购买力平价正确地反映了汇率变化的百分比与通货膨胀差异之间的关系.
= (1)
其中 表示t期直接标价法的名义汇率,和 分别表示本国和外国在t时期的一般物价水平.相对购买力平价则将汇率在一段时间内的变动归因于两个国家在这一段时期中的物价水平的变化.其认为价格和汇率会在保持各国货币的国内和国外购买力不变的情况下发生变化.
其中t表示基期,o表示标准期.和 分别表示标准期相对于基期的本国和外国的物价指数,(3)式体现了两国间汇率变化和物价指数间的关系.也反映了如果本国的通货膨胀率相对高于外国的通货膨胀率,则汇率上升,本币贬值; 若本国的通货膨胀率相对低于外国的通货膨胀率,则汇率下降,本币升值.相对购买力平价正确地反映了汇率变化的百分比与通货膨胀差异之间的关系.
The purchasing power purchasing (or said PPP) unifies a country currency in the commodity market to in value and the foreign value,thought use similar quantity the currency,exchanges under the balanced exchange rate,all should have the same purchasing power in any country.Looked from the static state and the dynamic angle that,may divide into the purchasing the absolute purchasing and the relative purchasing.“The absolute purchasing” the theory is refers to both countries currency the balanced nominal exchange rate to be equal to but the standard a basket commodity in our country and the foreign ratio of price,pays attention to here is both countries relative price level the non-price index ratio,its foundation is a price law:
= (1) expressed the t time direct costing method nominal exchange rate,with expresses our country and the foreign country separately in the t time general price level.Then the relative purchasing attributes to two national in this section of times price level change exchange rate for a period of time change.It thought the price and the exchange rate can change in maintenance various countries currency home and in the overseas purchasing power invariable situation.
T expression base period,o expresses the standard time.With expressed separately the standard time was opposite in base period our country and the foreign price index,(3) type has manifested between both countries the exchange rate change and the price index relations.Also had reflected if our country inflation rate is higher than foreign relatively the inflation rate,then the exchange rate rise,the standard currency depreciates; If our country inflation rate is lower than foreign relatively the inflation rate,then the exchange rate drops,the standard currency revalues.The relative purchasing has reflected between the exchange rate change percentage and the inflation difference relations correctly.
Two.Price index meaning and in computation relative purchasing significance.
The price index also calls the commodity price index.It may reflect the different time commodity price change directly the degree.The general price index formula is:
Price index =sum (current period /sum (base period represents commodity unit price * weight) on behalf of commodity unit price * weight) the various countries' government to the price level measurement existence difference.Has these difference reason is the life expends the way in the different national people to be different.When in the various countries' commodity basket the different commodity relative price has the change,possibly can cause the relative price fair price to be unable to undergo the different official price index the examination.If the Japanese purchases the sushi is opposite in US are many,when computation price index can give the sushi big weight,has the sweeping change when the sushi price Japan's price changes can be bigger than US's change.(Has not accounted for great weight in US's commodity basket commodity to occur with sushi similar price changes)
= (1) expressed the t time direct costing method nominal exchange rate,with expresses our country and the foreign country separately in the t time general price level.Then the relative purchasing attributes to two national in this section of times price level change exchange rate for a period of time change.It thought the price and the exchange rate can change in maintenance various countries currency home and in the overseas purchasing power invariable situation.
T expression base period,o expresses the standard time.With expressed separately the standard time was opposite in base period our country and the foreign price index,(3) type has manifested between both countries the exchange rate change and the price index relations.Also had reflected if our country inflation rate is higher than foreign relatively the inflation rate,then the exchange rate rise,the standard currency depreciates; If our country inflation rate is lower than foreign relatively the inflation rate,then the exchange rate drops,the standard currency revalues.The relative purchasing has reflected between the exchange rate change percentage and the inflation difference relations correctly.
Two.Price index meaning and in computation relative purchasing significance.
The price index also calls the commodity price index.It may reflect the different time commodity price change directly the degree.The general price index formula is:
Price index =sum (current period /sum (base period represents commodity unit price * weight) on behalf of commodity unit price * weight) the various countries' government to the price level measurement existence difference.Has these difference reason is the life expends the way in the different national people to be different.When in the various countries' commodity basket the different commodity relative price has the change,possibly can cause the relative price fair price to be unable to undergo the different official price index the examination.If the Japanese purchases the sushi is opposite in US are many,when computation price index can give the sushi big weight,has the sweeping change when the sushi price Japan's price changes can be bigger than US's change.(Has not accounted for great weight in US's commodity basket commodity to occur with sushi similar price changes)
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