早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
学贯中西,博古通今,一生充满传奇 英语翻译
学贯中西:have a thorough knowledge of both western and traditional Chinese medicine
博古通今:have both ancient and modern learning -- very learned; be conversant with ancient and modern learning; be conversant with things past and present -- erudite and informed; be very versed in both ancient and modern affairs; be well versed in both ancient and modern literature; be well versed in both ancient and modern learning [knowledge]; know both about ancient and modern [present] times; master ancient and [as well as] modern learning; understand the new and gain a wide knowledge of the old
一生充满传奇:the life full of legends
博古通今:have both ancient and modern learning -- very learned; be conversant with ancient and modern learning; be conversant with things past and present -- erudite and informed; be very versed in both ancient and modern affairs; be well versed in both ancient and modern literature; be well versed in both ancient and modern learning [knowledge]; know both about ancient and modern [present] times; master ancient and [as well as] modern learning; understand the new and gain a wide knowledge of the old
一生充满传奇:the life full of legends
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