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No one really knows if the drug given to two American aid workers really helped or whether now,back in the United States,they are improving simply because they're getting the best medical care money can buy.求大神们的句子结构分析,以及语法时态分析,
The World Health Organisation's discussions on whether to support further use of the experimental drug will be difficult.
Deciding against risks the accusation that a potentially life-saving treatment is available only to aid workers from wealthy countries.
Deciding in favour might,if the drug were to have major side effects,lead to charges the world's top public health body approved harmful medical experiments on some of the world's poorest people.
1、No one really knows (后面是宾语从句,knows的宾语)if the drug given to two American aid workers really helped or whether now(,back in the United States,插入语)they are improving simply because they're getting the best medical care money can buy.
they are improving simply(后面是原因,原因状语从句) because they're getting the best medical care money can buy.
这里的原因状语从句:they're getting the best medical care(省略了that,后面是定语) money can buy.
2、The World Health Organisation's discussions( on whether to support further use of the experimental drug 都是状语)will be difficult.
3、Deciding against risks the accusation (后面是that引导的同位语从句,是accusation的具体内容 )that a potentially life saving treatment is available only to aid workers from wealthy countries.
Deciding against(主语) risks(谓语) the accusation (宾语) .
4、Deciding in favour might(,if the drug were to have major side effects,插入语) lead to charges (这里省略了 that,同位语从句,charges的详细内容,) the world's top public health body approved harmful medical experiments on some of the world's poorest people.
所以这个句子的主干是:Deciding in favour (主语) might lead to (谓语)charges(宾语).
从句部分:the world's top public health body approved (后面是宾语从句,approved 的宾语)harmful medical experiments on some of the world's poorest people.