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Changes in the international oil market and oil prices surge.From 2002-2007,almost month climbed 3.6% on 935.2002 price of 1,178 yuan in 2003 to 1,454 yuan price,/ / t tons 2004 is priced at 1,923 yuan,in 2005 five months ago at 2,603 yuan,/ / t tons 2002-2005 increased at an average rate of 30.2%.April 4,2005 the New York Mercantile Exchange,light crude futures prices reached 58.28 U.S.dollars per barrel.breakthrough in the historical record,in 1983 for the commencement of trading in the futures highest since the dollar.06 in 07 oil prices have maintained a steady upward trend.However,the current world market oil price is the result not only of the global economy has had a great impact,but to the international oil security mechanisms influence has further strengthened.