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春节 是中国最富有特色的传统节日.原始社会有“腊祭”的仪式:秋收以后人们都要祭祖一番,酬谢神灵的保佑、祖先的荫庇,祈求来年再获丰收.久而久之,就成了一种风俗.尧舜时候起,人们就开始过春节了.
春节 是中国最富有特色的传统节日.原始社会有“腊祭”的仪式:秋收以后人们都要祭祖一番,酬谢神灵的保佑、祖先的荫庇,祈求来年再获丰收.久而久之,就成了一种风俗.尧舜时候起,人们就开始过春节了.
Spring Festival custom
Spring Festival is China's most unique traditional festivals.Primitive society of "The Prince Festival" of the ceremony:After the autumn harvest people have to worship something,reward the blessings of the gods,ancestorsSpring Festival custom
Spring Festival is China's most unique traditional festivals.Primitive society of "The Prince Festival" of the ceremony:After the autumn harvest people have to worship something,reward the blessings of the gods,ancestorsSpring Festival custom
Spring Festival is China's most unique traditional festivals.Primitive society of "The Prince Festival" of the ceremony:After the autumn harvest people have to worship something,reward the blessings of the gods,ancestors protect,pray for the coming year,re-harvest.As time goes by,it becomes a custom.When Yao and Shun,the people began to have the Spring Festival.
Spring time the beginning of the yearis the first day of every year.In ancient times,the time the beginning of the yearnot the same.Xia the beginning of the yearis the first lunar month of the first,in the Shang Dynasty is the first Lunar New Year in December,Zhou is the first Lunar New Year in November,Qin is the first Lunar New Year in October,when Emperor the beginning of the yearre-scheduled for early in the first lunar month,while the use of "the beginning calendar," the provisions of the first lunar month,the first for New Year's Day,commonly known as "New Year.",pray for the coming year,re-harvest.As time goes by,it becomes a custom.When Yao and Shun,the people began to have the Spring Festival.
Spring time the beginning of the yearis the first day of every year.In ancient times,the time the beginning of the yearnot the same.Xia the beginning of the yearis the first lunar month of the first,in the Shang Dynasty is the first Lunar New Year in December,Zhou is the first Lunar New Year in November,Qin is the first Lunar New Year in October,when Emperor the beginning of the yearre-scheduled for early in the first lunar month,while the use of "the beginning calendar," the provisions of the first lunar month,the first for New Year's Day,commonly known as "New Year.",pray for the coming year,re-harvest.As time goes by,it becomes a custom.When Yao and Shun,the people began to have the Spring Festival.
Spring time the beginning of the yearis the first day of every year.In ancient times,the time the beginning of the yearnot the same.Xia the beginning of the yearis the first lunar month of the first,in the Shang Dynasty is the first Lunar New Year in December,Zhou is the first Lunar New Year in November,Qin is the first Lunar New Year in October,when Emperor the beginning of the yearre-scheduled for early in the first lunar month,while the use of "the beginning calendar," the provisions of the first lunar month,the first for New Year's Day,commonly known as "New Year."
Spring Festival is China's most unique traditional festivals.Primitive society of "The Prince Festival" of the ceremony:After the autumn harvest people have to worship something,reward the blessings of the gods,ancestorsSpring Festival custom
Spring Festival is China's most unique traditional festivals.Primitive society of "The Prince Festival" of the ceremony:After the autumn harvest people have to worship something,reward the blessings of the gods,ancestorsSpring Festival custom
Spring Festival is China's most unique traditional festivals.Primitive society of "The Prince Festival" of the ceremony:After the autumn harvest people have to worship something,reward the blessings of the gods,ancestors protect,pray for the coming year,re-harvest.As time goes by,it becomes a custom.When Yao and Shun,the people began to have the Spring Festival.
Spring time the beginning of the yearis the first day of every year.In ancient times,the time the beginning of the yearnot the same.Xia the beginning of the yearis the first lunar month of the first,in the Shang Dynasty is the first Lunar New Year in December,Zhou is the first Lunar New Year in November,Qin is the first Lunar New Year in October,when Emperor the beginning of the yearre-scheduled for early in the first lunar month,while the use of "the beginning calendar," the provisions of the first lunar month,the first for New Year's Day,commonly known as "New Year.",pray for the coming year,re-harvest.As time goes by,it becomes a custom.When Yao and Shun,the people began to have the Spring Festival.
Spring time the beginning of the yearis the first day of every year.In ancient times,the time the beginning of the yearnot the same.Xia the beginning of the yearis the first lunar month of the first,in the Shang Dynasty is the first Lunar New Year in December,Zhou is the first Lunar New Year in November,Qin is the first Lunar New Year in October,when Emperor the beginning of the yearre-scheduled for early in the first lunar month,while the use of "the beginning calendar," the provisions of the first lunar month,the first for New Year's Day,commonly known as "New Year.",pray for the coming year,re-harvest.As time goes by,it becomes a custom.When Yao and Shun,the people began to have the Spring Festival.
Spring time the beginning of the yearis the first day of every year.In ancient times,the time the beginning of the yearnot the same.Xia the beginning of the yearis the first lunar month of the first,in the Shang Dynasty is the first Lunar New Year in December,Zhou is the first Lunar New Year in November,Qin is the first Lunar New Year in October,when Emperor the beginning of the yearre-scheduled for early in the first lunar month,while the use of "the beginning calendar," the provisions of the first lunar month,the first for New Year's Day,commonly known as "New Year."
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