早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1 Too many people are dying from road accidents in your city.What do you think should be done?
2 Your teacher asks for ideas for a Shool Fair.What do you thinkyour class should do?
3 you are angry about some people’s behavior in the movie theater.How should people behave in the movie theaher?
1 Too many people are dying from road accidents in your city.What do you think should be done?
2 Your teacher asks for ideas for a Shool Fair.What do you thinkyour class should do?
3 you are angry about some people’s behavior in the movie theater.How should people behave in the movie theaher?
1.Safety knowledges should be taught among pedestrian,just everybody living in cities.
2.For drivers,Heavy penalties should be done if they Violate Road traffic regulations.
3.built more protects.
4.more and more Responsible traffic Policemen at Accidents points.
5.do Fisrt Aid well if any Accident,so we need study how to.
1.Discuss and decide what the Defects now the shool have.
2.reflect them to the shool in Written form.
3.behave as a student,and do what you should do.
4.Fulfil obligations as a student,and support the school to make right Programme.
5.Make a Survey about the same problems in other schools,and Reflect it to them.
1.keep silent.
2.Don't disturb others.
3.Ask for permission if you have to move out.
4.Apologize first if you've made some noise by no means.
5.Help those who need help such as the Disabled and obey the theaher's rule...in a word,Peaceful Coexistence.
1.Safety knowledges should be taught among pedestrian,just everybody living in cities.
2.For drivers,Heavy penalties should be done if they Violate Road traffic regulations.
3.built more protects.
4.more and more Responsible traffic Policemen at Accidents points.
5.do Fisrt Aid well if any Accident,so we need study how to.
1.Discuss and decide what the Defects now the shool have.
2.reflect them to the shool in Written form.
3.behave as a student,and do what you should do.
4.Fulfil obligations as a student,and support the school to make right Programme.
5.Make a Survey about the same problems in other schools,and Reflect it to them.
1.keep silent.
2.Don't disturb others.
3.Ask for permission if you have to move out.
4.Apologize first if you've made some noise by no means.
5.Help those who need help such as the Disabled and obey the theaher's rule...in a word,Peaceful Coexistence.
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