早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
What is the biggest frustration you ever had to face to?And what did you do?帮忙翻译然后作答、后面注解释哦.
What is the biggest frustration you ever had to face to?And what did you do?帮忙翻译然后作答、后面注解释哦.
I failed my exam once.有一次我考试没及格.
You know it was such a shame and also a painful experience.你知道,那实在是相当羞愧和痛苦的经历.
As my results and performances were always good,my parents and relatives put a lot of expectations on me,but I disappointed them,I even thought about giving up myself.我的成绩和表现一直相当好,我的父母和亲戚都对我期望很高,而我让他们失望了,我甚至想过放弃自己.
Fortunately,my mother understood me,she is the one consoled me and helped me to get over it.幸运的是我妈妈理解我,安慰我并帮我度过了难关.
After I cooling down,I analysed the situation,well,you know it was the common issue of Chinese students,pressure.当我冷静下来后,我分析了自己的情况,好吧,你知道,就是中国学生的常见问题——压力.
Since then,I stopped pushing myself so hard,and stared to have some exercises to help release the stress,it was quite necessary.从那以后我就停止这么强迫自己了,我开始做一些活动,这相当的必要.
It is impossible to avoid frustration in our life,I learn from the case that I should not be scared by it,what I should do is getinging over it and grow through the experience.在我们的一生中根本不能避免挫折,从这件事上我知道了我不该被挫折吓倒,我应该克服它并从中长大.
I failed my exam once.有一次我考试没及格.
You know it was such a shame and also a painful experience.你知道,那实在是相当羞愧和痛苦的经历.
As my results and performances were always good,my parents and relatives put a lot of expectations on me,but I disappointed them,I even thought about giving up myself.我的成绩和表现一直相当好,我的父母和亲戚都对我期望很高,而我让他们失望了,我甚至想过放弃自己.
Fortunately,my mother understood me,she is the one consoled me and helped me to get over it.幸运的是我妈妈理解我,安慰我并帮我度过了难关.
After I cooling down,I analysed the situation,well,you know it was the common issue of Chinese students,pressure.当我冷静下来后,我分析了自己的情况,好吧,你知道,就是中国学生的常见问题——压力.
Since then,I stopped pushing myself so hard,and stared to have some exercises to help release the stress,it was quite necessary.从那以后我就停止这么强迫自己了,我开始做一些活动,这相当的必要.
It is impossible to avoid frustration in our life,I learn from the case that I should not be scared by it,what I should do is getinging over it and grow through the experience.在我们的一生中根本不能避免挫折,从这件事上我知道了我不该被挫折吓倒,我应该克服它并从中长大.
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