早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
请问有人 看过“但是你没有”这篇诗吗?就英语版的,我想要这篇诗的大概复述,就是用自己的话,说这篇诗说了什么,要用英语说!
请问有人 看过“但是你没有”这篇诗吗?就英语版的,我想要这篇诗的大概复述,就是用自己的话,说这篇诗说了什么,要用英语说!
I remember one time
I borrowed your car to use
I dented it,I thought you'd kill me
But you didn't
I remember once,I dragged you to the beach
And you said it would rain really
I thought you'd say,"I told you so!"
But you're not
I remember one time
I'm your new carpet spilled strawberry pie all
I thought you'd hate me
But you're not
I remember one time
I forgot to tell you that the dance was formal
But only wear jeans you made a fool of myself
I thought you must give up me
But you didn't.
Yes,there are lots of things you didn't do it
But you put up with me,love me,protect me
There are many many things I wanted to make up to you
So I wait for you to come back from Vietnam
But you didn't!I remember one time
I borrowed your car to use
I dented it,I thought you'd kill me
But you didn't
I remember once,I dragged you to the beach
And you said it would rain really
I thought you'd say,"I told you so!"
But you're not
I remember one time
I'm your new carpet spilled strawberry pie all
I thought you'd hate me
But you're not
I remember one time
I forgot to tell you that the dance was formal
But only wear jeans you made a fool of myself
I thought you must give up me
But you didn't.
Yes,there are lots of things you didn't do it
But you put up with me,love me,protect me
There are many many things I wanted to make up to you
So I wait for you to come back from Vietnam
But you didn't!
I borrowed your car to use
I dented it,I thought you'd kill me
But you didn't
I remember once,I dragged you to the beach
And you said it would rain really
I thought you'd say,"I told you so!"
But you're not
I remember one time
I'm your new carpet spilled strawberry pie all
I thought you'd hate me
But you're not
I remember one time
I forgot to tell you that the dance was formal
But only wear jeans you made a fool of myself
I thought you must give up me
But you didn't.
Yes,there are lots of things you didn't do it
But you put up with me,love me,protect me
There are many many things I wanted to make up to you
So I wait for you to come back from Vietnam
But you didn't!I remember one time
I borrowed your car to use
I dented it,I thought you'd kill me
But you didn't
I remember once,I dragged you to the beach
And you said it would rain really
I thought you'd say,"I told you so!"
But you're not
I remember one time
I'm your new carpet spilled strawberry pie all
I thought you'd hate me
But you're not
I remember one time
I forgot to tell you that the dance was formal
But only wear jeans you made a fool of myself
I thought you must give up me
But you didn't.
Yes,there are lots of things you didn't do it
But you put up with me,love me,protect me
There are many many things I wanted to make up to you
So I wait for you to come back from Vietnam
But you didn't!
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