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Richard 14 said “ I want to make friends but I don’t know how. In my last school my classmates often bullied( 欺负 ) me and I didn’t have any friends. Children at this school look OK but I just know I’ll also do something wrong. Please help me!”

   Perhaps the best way to make friends is to know what makes a friend. I asked some 13-year-old boys and girls to write down they liked about their friends. They said that good friends:

go around with happy faces.   like to share.   stay and play together with others.

invite people to do something  are humorous.  are good at organizing games.

help others with work.       are kind.   are good at thinking of something fun to do.

Good friends

go around 76.__________ happy faces

like to share

stay and play together with other.

77._________ others with work.

are 78.________ and humorous.

79.__________ people to do something.

are good at organizing games and thinking of something 80._________to do


76. with  77. help   78.
kind   79.invite   80. fun