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初中英语作文有几个题目,每个题目写100词左右 1、Will pens disappear someday with the development of computer technology? 随着计算机不断普及,某一天笔会不会消失?谈谈你的设想。 2、if you could have one super power what would it be 如果你能具备一种超能力,你喜欢那是什么能力? 3、Some people are rich but they not happy,why ?有人很富有,但是不快乐,为什么? 4、If you have a flower, who will you give this flower to? And why? 如果有一朵花,你想送给谁,为什么? 这是要参加希望之星比赛用的,希望英语高手看了务必帮下忙,谢了!
1. as the world develops and more and more new technologys appear, some old ways of learning have gone extinct. schools have more and more computers, but will they take over pens as the new learning equipment? well, computer have their advantages and disadvantages. they are new, fast working and very efficient machines. the biggest advantage is that it can never go wrong in normal circumstances. students often find it easier to learn on computer because it's fast and it's interesting. it can attract student's attension in order to make them learn better. however, its disadvantage is also prvoed to be crucial. a computer can go wrong sometimes just like human. i think it's also crucial to learn writting in pens because of a simple but important thing-your signiture. nobody in the world will have a signiture like yours, that is because everybody is different. but computer will have no differences to each other, they are just machines. so i think it's good to have new technologys, but it's still important to keep our old ways of learning. 2. if i had a super power, it would have to be the ability to predict the future. people say that plans are always slower than changes. nobody can predict the future exactly, because there is no evidence or anything to help to calculate a corrrect ending product. so i think it would be very useful to have the ability to predict future, i can then prevent so many disasters from happening such as the sichuan earthquake, 911, and save many people's lives. 3. being rich is something most people dream of. they think being rich can just solve anything in the world. especially poor people, they would love to be rich one day so they don't have to worry about where their next dinner comes from. but they don't know, some rich people actually want to be like them, yes, like a poor man. the simple reason for this is because the rich men aren't happy. they are not happy because of one thing, their money.
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