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late    look    young   show   kind    address   from   when   clear   I   gift   before

It was unusually quiet in the emergency room ( 急救室 )  on December 25. I was the nurse on duty. A woman and four small children 1 .     up at my desk.

  The mother said they were all sick. But when I asked for more information about their illnesses. none of them could tell me 2 .       . I was sure something was wrong but I didn't say anything. I explained that it might be a few minutes3 .       the doctor could see me. She replied "Take your time. It's warm here. "

I looked down and checked the form that she had finished. N0 4 .    they were homeless. The waiting room was warm. Something was clear in 5 .     mind.

The family were gathering by the Christmas tree. The 6 .        one was pointing at the TV and talking about something to his mother. The oldest one was 7 .        at an ornament ( 装饰物 ) on the Christmas tree.

I entered my office and took out the 8 .     that I prepared for my children. Some food drinks I collected  9.      other offices were also put on the table next to the Christmas tree. I asked the family to get together eating singing dancing and sharing the gifts. We all had a warm and happy Christmas.

     10.    as the family left the little 4-year-old boy gave me a hug and whispered( 低声的说 ) " Thanks for being our angel (天使) today ! "


1.showed  2.clearly  3.before  4.address  5.my

6.youngest 7.looking  8.gifts    9.from   10.Later


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