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用I can ...
When you see somebody in trouble,what can you do?
I can do everything in my power to help them.
I can ask my friends if there's anything they can do.
I can stay by their side,so that they'd know that they're not alone.
I can encourage them to get back up on their feet
I can brainstorm with them to find a way out of their problems
I can contact their family and friends if they're in a situation where they can't do it alone.
I can advertise the problem online or various forms of media to get the community involved.
I can alert the proper authorities if necessary
都要 I can...的吗?

假如有一天你走进沙漠遇到困难你会用什么什么等词语来鼓励自己克服困难走出沙漠  2020-05-14 …

具体问题具体分析只知道这个道理做起来为什么那么困难?要运用到实际生活中去为什么那么困难  2020-05-15 …

张凤遇到困难总想放弃,作为她的好朋友可以用刘禹锡的名句()来劝她.张凤遇到困难总想放弃,作为她的好  2020-05-17 …

天保贫困户护林员的工资是由什么其决定的()A.管护面积B.合同年限C.贫困户属性D.脱贫年度  2020-05-31 …

一篇关于诚信的作文是自己遇到什么困难的要写自己遇到什么困难怎么去化解困难后来怎么遵守成若的  2020-06-05 …

困无论遇到什么困难接下句1困无论遇到什么困难2虽然已经是仲夏3只要我们勤奋学习请都接下句  2020-06-08 …

不管事情有多么困难,有多么难完成,我们都应该尽自己所能完成它用英语怎么说不管事情有多么困难,有多么  2020-06-13 …

不管哪有多么困难,我都要获得成功不管哪有多么困难,我都要成为一个商人并在事业上获得成功这句话用英语  2020-06-13 …

小雷音寺的黄眉怪用什么办法困住了孙悟空,后来他钻在亢金龙的角里才得以脱身.A.宝塔B.玉瓶C.葫芦  2020-06-16 …

写出下面的句子是用什么比喻什么。人在遇到困难的时候,如果有人能伸出援助之手,即使只有点滴的帮助,对  2020-07-04 …