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Daddy this is the year that you and i spearated the 17th year,let me see,Er..year!i think of you must complaining why time is going by like wind,is it right?
daddy,sorry about i don't rememeber that what do you look like.because when i wai a year old you had to work hard for us go to abroad.
i'm very appreciate of what you have done for us ,as a daughter i promise to you ,i'll study hard.
all in all daddy i'll pride of a father like you,i really think i'm a lucky dog
We have been separated for 17 years.I believe that you must complain why time goes by like wind,don't you?
I am sorry that I don't remember what you look like.Because you went abroad when I was only one year old.
I really appreciate what you have done for us.As a daughter,I promise that I will study hard.
I feel very proud that you are my father.And I am a lucky girl.

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