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用戏剧性的形式举例verbal irony和像用散文描述一样举例说明situational irony
verbal irony:
The term verbal irony refers to the use of vocabulary to describe something in a way that is other than it seems.Often,but not always,verbal irony is used with a sarcastic tone or nature.Verbal irony is often a comment that conveys a different meaning than what it may seem to be.
Verbal irony is used in a variety of circumstances.It may be used in general conversation or also in media.Television sitcoms and movies often use verbal irony,as do many political pundits.
Verbal irony is often stated in the form of a metaphor or simile.Comparisons and contrasts are used to create a visualization for the listener or reader.
EX:Dimmesdale's confession and discussion of his congregation in the Scarlet Letter that is meant to mean he's terrible and should be shunned but the people did the opposite
Situational Irony:Situational irony is an occasion in which the outcome is significantly different from what was expected.
Examples of this are:
A police officer gets arrested.
A fire station burns down.
A tow truck being towed.
Donald Trump getting fired.
Someone moving to avoid a sprinkler and falling into a swimming pool.
A story example would be the "Gift of the Magi".
Basically,there was a husband and a wife.It was Christmas time and money was tight.The husband had a watch he really loved,but he sold it for some money to buy a comb for his wife's hair.The wife had hair that she really loved,but she sold it to buy a gold chain for her husband's watch.Christmas time comes and they exchanged gifts,only to find out that neither was useful.

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