早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
没人最少5句 不用太难 句式差不多就行
没人最少5句 不用太难 句式差不多就行
Vivian:well,I didn’t know you are so fond of junk food.
Aaron:Don’t talk in that kind of tone.I do want to eat healthy food ,but you know I’m very busy.
Vivian:we just care about your health,There are a lot of famous people who have enjoyed great success in their careers but ended with diseases or healthy problems.Many of them have become worldwide popular celebrities but money is nothing compared to a healthy body.How can we expect a better life if we don’t have a good body?Elizabeth Edwards was diagnosed with breast cancer after finding a lump in her body during a self-exam.
Aaron:Oh,I hate you guys,now I have no appetite.Actually I know which kind of food I should eat and which kind of lifestyle is healthy.As for eating habits ,you should maintain a desirable body weight ,eat a varied diet including a variety of vegetables and fruits which contain a lot of vitamins in the daily diet,eat more high-fiber foods,such as whole grain cereals,vegetables and fruits.Furthermore,Limited consumption of alcoholic beverages as well as salt-cured,smoked,and nitrite-cured foods is also necessary.
Vivan:You do know something about healthy diet but you don’t put them into practice.You can’t expert it to work unless you take actions,can you?Therefore,you should make a plan to eat and live healthily.As for those famous people,of course they have consultants to tell them what to eat and what them cannot eat,while the crux lies in whether they follow their consultants’ advice or not.
Aaron:well,I have to say you are right.Don’t worry about me.I’ll take care of myself from now on,and I will give up junk food and lead a regular and healthy life.Do you have an interest to join me and let’s lead a better life.
Aaron:Don’t talk in that kind of tone.I do want to eat healthy food ,but you know I’m very busy.
Vivian:we just care about your health,There are a lot of famous people who have enjoyed great success in their careers but ended with diseases or healthy problems.Many of them have become worldwide popular celebrities but money is nothing compared to a healthy body.How can we expect a better life if we don’t have a good body?Elizabeth Edwards was diagnosed with breast cancer after finding a lump in her body during a self-exam.
Aaron:Oh,I hate you guys,now I have no appetite.Actually I know which kind of food I should eat and which kind of lifestyle is healthy.As for eating habits ,you should maintain a desirable body weight ,eat a varied diet including a variety of vegetables and fruits which contain a lot of vitamins in the daily diet,eat more high-fiber foods,such as whole grain cereals,vegetables and fruits.Furthermore,Limited consumption of alcoholic beverages as well as salt-cured,smoked,and nitrite-cured foods is also necessary.
Vivan:You do know something about healthy diet but you don’t put them into practice.You can’t expert it to work unless you take actions,can you?Therefore,you should make a plan to eat and live healthily.As for those famous people,of course they have consultants to tell them what to eat and what them cannot eat,while the crux lies in whether they follow their consultants’ advice or not.
Aaron:well,I have to say you are right.Don’t worry about me.I’ll take care of myself from now on,and I will give up junk food and lead a regular and healthy life.Do you have an interest to join me and let’s lead a better life.
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