早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Do you think a disabled people can live a normal life
why or why not?
Do you think a disabled people can live a normal life
why or why not?
a:Personally I don't think a disabled people can live a normal life
b: How come?
a: Simpl.y because they do not have the ability to performe normal daily tasks, e.g, a blind man wouldn't be able to even take an easy work like cleaning the house.
b: I've got your point, but there are still many disabled people trying to not only lessen the burden from the people who look after them but also make themselves useful for their families or community. There are such people around.
a Yeah I have to agree somewhat but actually what they suffer most is not physically but emotionally. Some just cant face the truth that their've lost some abilities forever and things will never be the same as before. Somtimes they do get judged from others.
b: That's why there are so many help centers for them in most countries. Also the government do care about them and make sure they are equially treated when it comes to basic human rights. Well life is harder for them and this is for sure and nothing can be done about it.
a: I'll say the whole world is changed for them and it's all about how to get stronger and build up confidence for everything. Needless to say, there are lots of them actually leading a life just fine.
a:Personally I don't think a disabled people can live a normal life
b: How come?
a: Simpl.y because they do not have the ability to performe normal daily tasks, e.g, a blind man wouldn't be able to even take an easy work like cleaning the house.
b: I've got your point, but there are still many disabled people trying to not only lessen the burden from the people who look after them but also make themselves useful for their families or community. There are such people around.
a Yeah I have to agree somewhat but actually what they suffer most is not physically but emotionally. Some just cant face the truth that their've lost some abilities forever and things will never be the same as before. Somtimes they do get judged from others.
b: That's why there are so many help centers for them in most countries. Also the government do care about them and make sure they are equially treated when it comes to basic human rights. Well life is harder for them and this is for sure and nothing can be done about it.
a: I'll say the whole world is changed for them and it's all about how to get stronger and build up confidence for everything. Needless to say, there are lots of them actually leading a life just fine.
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