早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


R:Hi,Lily.What's up.You look troubled.
L:No,thanks,I'm alright.Just a little lost in pondering all the time.
R:About what?
L:Mmm.Okay,Randy.What do you think is of the greatest significance in one's life?
R:So,what is the most important thing as most ladies are discussing all the time,ya?
L:Ya,so,what do you think?
R:It's hard to say.It's shifting from one thing to another at different stages of life,I think.
L:How is that?
R:Look,in our childhood,the most importance thing was probably the sincere friendship among our playmates.
L:Yeah,cos we still could comprehend a lot about those complicated things as in the adults' heads,I bet.
R:Yeah,maybe.For whatever reason,it just happened to be so.And then...In our puberty,for sure,puppy love dominated,no matter you will admit it or not.
L:Okay,you got it right.
R:As for adults,it's a little bit difficult to explain well.Most men pursue wealth and power,and women beauty and love.Most people blame them for being so superficial.Well,I think,there is nothing wrong in them.For example,money.Nowadays,money is closely related to all the repects of people's life:food,clothes,house,transport,education,medical treatment,even birth and funeral,etc.We can hardly accomplish anything without money.It is just the basic foundation for a normal life in modern times,even for love.Suppose I don't have enough money to maintain your life with your beloved,how can I be called responsible for her,and thus how can I justify my true love to her,since I cannot guarantee her a normal life.I would even sacrifice my health,well,to some extent,to make enough money to shelter my love.
L:Wow,I never thought you could have such shrewd observation and such profound thoughts.
R:Oh,that's really not so shrewd and decent of you.
L:So,more to go?
R:Ya.Now for old people.As we all know,people,once get old,become extremely afraid of death and extremely sensitive about the topic of health.
L:That's true.
R:I think that's it.What I can think of this moment,at least.
L:Wait,wait,wait.You've analysed so much on so many different occasions,but I haven't got your own opinion yet.What is the most important to YOU?
R:Okay,money,if I have to draw a conclusion.Are you satisfied?
L:Just as I thought,anyway.Okay,thanks a million.But today you've really got my eyes opened.
R:You're always welcome,my lady.
L:Ok,see you later.
R:See you.

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