早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Healthy Food
we should have a healthy diet food. It is useful for us to eat healthy food. It offers me a lot of energy.We need to healthy food rather than junk food or fast food. Hamburgers and french fries are the common examples of junk food. Although they taste delicious, they don't have enough nutrients but they have the large amount of carbohydrate and fats. They will make your weight unbalanced. Bread, rice, or vegetables, are the common examples of the healthy food. They have a large amount of nutrients which provide you energy, and away from diseases.
we should have a healthy diet food. It is useful for us to eat healthy food. It offers me a lot of energy.We need to healthy food rather than junk food or fast food. Hamburgers and french fries are the common examples of junk food. Although they taste delicious, they don't have enough nutrients but they have the large amount of carbohydrate and fats. They will make your weight unbalanced. Bread, rice, or vegetables, are the common examples of the healthy food. They have a large amount of nutrients which provide you energy, and away from diseases.
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