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徐志摩说过:“飞:超脱一切,笼盖一切,扫荡一切,吞吐一切.” 飞翔,那是我们理想的极度,是我们想象的尽头.自古以来,飞翔,就是我们人类的梦想.远古人类寄居的洞窟中,那四壁上留下的四不象的图画上,就很清楚的看见它的背上有着一对翅膀;人们拿着弓箭捕猎的图画上,他们的背上也安上了翅膀;小爱神厄洛斯(Eros),即丘比特(Cupid)也有着一对闪闪发光的翅膀,他射出令人震颤的神箭,唤起爱的激情,给自然界带来生机,授予万物繁衍的能力;古希腊传说中能工巧匠代达洛斯(Daedalus)和他的儿子伊卡洛斯(Icarus)用蜂蜡粘贴羽毛做成双翼,腾空飞行,由于伊卡罗斯飞得太高,太阳把蜂蜡晒化,于是他坠海而死,他可以算得上是人类为了追逐飞翔的梦想的第一个英雄了.
Xu Zhimo has said:"Flies:Is aloof all,the cage covers all,sweeps all,turnover all." The soaring,that is our ideal extreme,is terminus which we imagines.Since the ancient times,the soaring,is our humanity's dream.Ancient times the humanity resided temporarily in the cavern,on that four walls stayed behind in the weird creature drawing,very clear saw it to carry on the back has a pair of wing; The people are taking in the drawing which the arrow hunts for,they carried on the back have also installed the wing; Small god of love distress Lowes (Eros),namely Cupid (Cupid) also has a pair of sparkling wing,he projects makes the god arrow which one trembles,arouses fervor which loves,brings the vitality to the nature,awards ability which the myriad things multiplys; In the ancient Greek fable the skilled craftsman generation reaches Lowes (Daedalus) and his son Iraq Carlos (Icarus) glues the feather with the beeswax to make the biplane wing,soars the flight,because Iraqi Karohs flies too high,the sun exposes to the sun the beeswax,thereupon he falls the sea to die,he may be considered as on is the humanity in order to pursue the soaring the dream first hero.Actually,originally the people all are can fly.We on fly are arriving this world.But,we lived are living had been forgetting we were can fly,had forgotten had to go flies,had to go to the blue sky to pursue belongs to our dream.Thereupon,our wing gradually changed withered,gradually changes disorderly again also cannot fly; Thereupon,our wing gradually is pruned only by the other people is has become a ornaments,we only could be vivacious on the place; Thereupon,our wing is cut by we to exchange this world each kind of enticement,we on have only been left over the smooth torso,trembles in the cold wind.But,I had not forgotten I can soar,moreover I believed I can soar.Because I have the extraordinary wisdom,I have the flying apsaras the dream.Because my life is not aware of fatigue,my love is broad boundlessly.I believed I can soar,I touch the blue sky,hugs Chaoyang; I believed I can soar,I swim in the starry sky,converses with the moon.The blue sky lets me greatly,Chaoyang for me warm,the starry sky directs my daydream,the moon to give me to be romantic.My soaring,is not that jumps 雀 sons flying in the branch; My soaring,also is not that butterfly flying which is reluctant to part with in the flowering shrubs; My soaring,is not that likes under the people eaves making the nest Yan Ermen flying.My soaring,is that plants meets the milky way,gets down near river current flying; My soaring,is that kind of mountain cannot block the wind could not block flying; My soaring,is that kind flying which 撼天动地,the ghost startled god sobs.My free soaring,is soaring,the wind gives me to praise,Chaoyang gives me to smile.

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