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英文Grammar我想要一个列表 有像 adjectives,noun,pro-noun,verb一类单词.不知道有没有看懂我的问题.

我想要一个列表 有像 adjectives,noun,pro-noun,verb一类单词
Common nouns refer to any person ,place,thing,or idea.
Proper nouns are capitalized and refer to specific persons,palces,objects,or ideas.
Example:Carlos,London,Friday,Supreme court
Adjectives are words that describe nouns and specify size,color,number,and so on.This is called modifying;adjectives are modifiers.
Example:The four cows looked smug as they chewed on bright red and yellow tulips.
A pronoun can take the place of a noun.
Example:My friend decided he would do something nice for me.
There are three kinds of persoal pronouns:subjective,objective,and possessive
Example:He gave me some of his cows.
A verb shows action or state of begin and indicates the time of that actin or state.
Example:I thought i locked the gate.[past]
Now i see my cows are eating the tulips.[present]
i will lock the gate more carefully tomorrow.[future]
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