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多么迷人的秋天呀,它象征着繁荣和富庶 ,意味着成熟和收获
Summer girl hurriedly left the autumn girl walked with light footsteps approaching the earth .the sky clear and crisp,cloudless blue sky,blue people were fascinated!Xu Xudi cool,transparent thin material,high into the sky,a gently flickering shadow,all refreshing!This is the fall!
When you walk when you enter the orchard,it will certainly open the eyes,look,that slippery grapes,just as many hearts glittering stars; that glowing red apples,one by one like a hot sun; that glistening yellow to orange,good like a small lantern; that hung on the branches of the longan,like a dolphin crystal pearls; that Zhangzhetaizui bar pomegranate,like a babbling child is really beautiful .ah!This is the fall!
Depressed state of the autumn came,and golden rice,like a bit Graceful girl,but also seems a bit attendants,to the people's beck and call!Wheat fields come and go,issued a "imperfections" in the sound,as if the waves,in rolling stop,the band playing at once like a romantic ballad.Golden yellow leaves,like a butterfly,like dancing,sometimes into the sky,sometimes fell on the ground,really naughty!Farmers uncle busy harvest it,although they sweat,but his face wearing a sweet smile from time to time.Grass hurry to drag out the green clothes and was pleased to put on yellow clothes,triumphantly showing off in the autumn .this is the fall in!
Lovely little ants

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