56.The gloves(手套) were d_________ for extremely cold weather.
57. They c_________ for the first prize in the race yesterday.
58. It’s very ________ (稀罕的) to find these birds in England in winter.
59. There was a choice of four prizes and the winner could s_______(选择)one of them.
60. There is no d_______ that the wooden boxes were put on a train.
61. He is a man who likes doing things ___________(有规律地).
62. The factory r________ most of its workers with robots(机器人) last year.
63. __________(不管怎样),my goal is to provide humans with a life of high quality.
64. He wrote a book about how I could be made to work as a “universal machine” to s_______ any difficult mathematical problem.
65. I have been put into space rocket and sent to e_________the Moon and Mars.
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