早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
The Earth heats
In a hot sun the summer vacation of fire, a puppy descends a stand a tongue in the tree.Suddenly, an old cat had spirit to walk to come over feebly, to tree under of the puppy say:"ah, old younger brother, how to do nows!"The weather is more and more hot, calling how we doing?!"
The puppy says"yes, you, I listenned to my old daddy say can bask sun bath in summer before, now once we go out, is basked by the cruelty sun be like African, not only such, our skins all can on livinging meat to test mature meat quickly cough."
Kitty:"boon boon, your dog dog households all can use a tongue in addition to hot, but the our cat cat household connect a point in addition to hot skills all have no, coughing."
"Cough.""Cough."Kitty and the puppies connect a voice to sigh.
Puppy and kitties are all all agree to say:"is all mankind if of disaster, how to all didn't°yet be awakening to arrive now mankind?"
In a hot sun the summer vacation of fire, a puppy descends a stand a tongue in the tree.Suddenly, an old cat had spirit to walk to come over feebly, to tree under of the puppy say:"ah, old younger brother, how to do nows!"The weather is more and more hot, calling how we doing?!"
The puppy says"yes, you, I listenned to my old daddy say can bask sun bath in summer before, now once we go out, is basked by the cruelty sun be like African, not only such, our skins all can on livinging meat to test mature meat quickly cough."
Kitty:"boon boon, your dog dog households all can use a tongue in addition to hot, but the our cat cat household connect a point in addition to hot skills all have no, coughing."
"Cough.""Cough."Kitty and the puppies connect a voice to sigh.
Puppy and kitties are all all agree to say:"is all mankind if of disaster, how to all didn't°yet be awakening to arrive now mankind?"
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