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China's long history created the splendid ancient culture,and ancient buildings is an important component.China's ancient architecture and the natural environment in a certain social conditions under the control of the impact of developed its own characteristics:most of the country is Mujia building load-bearing structure,Mujia construction based convenience,seismic-related,and have their own advantages in Ancient China Building diverse forms the roof of the Chinese ancient architecture with its beautiful soft contours and changes in the form of interesting and diverse,it is appreciated; Plane Architecture,facade and roof in the form of colorful architectural layout of the plane is basically There are two layout of the plane,is a solemn majestic,neat symmetry,a tortuous change,flexible and diverse; ancient Chinese architecture rich colors; glazed tile is a very strong building materials,waterproofing performance and the Royal buildings and some important building large-scale use of the glass tile; colored pattern is the ancient Chinese art of building an important part in the simple and elegant tones of ancient Chinese architecture has a very important position China has a wealth of ancient architecture sculpture decoration; ancient architecture in China Building and the cooperation and coordination between the environment has a high success

木工祖师——鲁班相传鲁班是我国古代优秀的土木建筑工匠(jiàng),也是一个有许多创造的杰(jié  2020-04-06 …

摩擦力做功的计算一颗子弹打上了大木块,然后留在大木块里了,大木块上有一个小木块,最后小木块从大木块  2020-05-15 …

在古代人类很早就掌握了钻木取火的方法,钻木之所以能取火,可以用下面的三句话来解释.①木头内能增大,  2020-06-30 …

近几个月来,我市轰轰烈烈地开展了“创建文明城市”.经过一段时间的努力,人们的素质普遍得到了提高.城  2020-07-01 …

“(北宋中期)天下印书,以杭州为上,蜀本次之,福建最下。福建多以柔者(松软木质板)为之,取其易成而  2020-07-04 …

(2010•泰州模拟)为了测定小木块和长木板之间的动摩擦因数,某同学用垫块将长木板一端垫高使其形成  2020-07-11 …

为了测定小木块和长木板之间的动摩擦因数,某同学用垫块将长木板一端垫高使其形成斜面,让小木块从其顶端  2020-07-15 …

(六)神奇的中国木构架阮仪三中国的古代建筑,几千年来形成了以木结构为主的建筑体系,用木柱、木梁、木  2020-07-20 …

材料一:日本在国内专门设立了“树木银行”.建筑施工单位开辟场地时,必须将挖出的树木及时存入“银行”,  2020-11-13 …

阅读材料,回答问题:日本的森林覆盖率将近70%,森林资源极其丰富,但日本却每年要进口大量木材,特别是  2020-11-28 …