早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


小题1:Yesterday Li Hong found a strainger following her all the way. She ran home as quickly as possible.
小题2:Tom often uses earphones when walking outside.
小题3:It’s a long way from Wang Jun’s home to school, so he often sleeps all the way on the bus.
小题4:There are too many passengers on the bus today, and Li Feng puts his bag out of his reach.
小题5:The house is on fire and there is full of smoke in the house, and you are in it.
You should press the cut with a piece of cloth to stop the blood, then go to hospital as quickly as possible.
Don’t use earphones when walking outside. It’s dangerous to do so because you can’t notice those cars, buses or trucks back and forth.
Your bag should be put within your reach, or it is easy enough for the thieves to steal the things in your bag.
If you are followed by a stranger, cross the street and go in the other direction. Next, go and get help from others if it is necessary. Don’t go home directly. Your are safer on the street than you are in your home alone.
You can’t leave school by yourself. Don’t forget it’s safer in school yard than the outside world.
Don’t sleep on buses, or you may miss the right stop.
If your house catches fire and you have to escape through smoke, move on your hands and knees with your head 30 to 60 centimeters above the floor. Please remember there is cleaner and cooler air near the floor during the fire.



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