早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
I went to the zoo with my classmate and teachers. It’s a very small zoo, tiny really. But there are those absolutely lovely paths twisting among and around bushes. You feel like you're in the jungle, and I’ve always wanted to live in the jungle.
I feel bad for the animals locked up, though. The zoo keepers shouldn‘t do this. It's bad to lock animals up in in cages!
And just to remind you that, i don't go out often, only if the school required to
I went to the zoo with my classmate and teachers. It’s a very small zoo, tiny really. But there are those absolutely lovely paths twisting among and around bushes. You feel like you're in the jungle, and I’ve always wanted to live in the jungle.
I feel bad for the animals locked up, though. The zoo keepers shouldn‘t do this. It's bad to lock animals up in in cages!
And just to remind you that, i don't go out often, only if the school required to
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