早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.Do you like ___________(seeing/watching) films?
2.Nowadays,we can c______________ time very accurately,but before the invention of clocks,it was very difficult.
3.few(最高级) _________________
4.Thanksgiving is a h______________ in the U.S.A.Itis celebrated on the f__________ Thursday of November.Usually,family members and friends get t__________ for a turkey dinner.People sometimes drive their cars to distant places for a family reunion.Many paople also take Friday o____________ and make it a long w___________ vocation because most Americans do not work on Saturdays and Sundays.
5.There are so many interesting books the I can't decide__________(which/what) to buy.
6.I_____________ even harder from now on.(work)
7.In England nobody under the age of eighteen is allowed to drink in a p__________ bar.
8.(连上7)Mr.Thom used to go to a bar near his house quite often.Then when his son,Tomhad his eighteenth birthday,Mr.Thom took him to his u____________ bar for the first time.They drank for an hour ,and then Mr.Thom said to his son,"Now,Tom,I want to teach you a useful lesson.You must always be careful not to drink too much.And how doyou know when you've had e____________?
9.( ) __________ pilot in brown jacket saw ________ UFO last year.(选填a,the)
10.Be careful when you get ____________(off/down/up) the ferry.
11.January 29 is read as ________________(the twenty-ninth of January/January the twenty-ninth)
12.( )My teacher always tells us____________when we meet a problem.
A.how to do B.when to do C.what to do it D.how to do it
1.see films 为固定搭配,所以选seeing2.calculate 计算时间十分准确3.few fewer比较级 fewest 最高级4.Thanksgiving 感恩节 是一个美国节日,所以是holiday .填序数词,firstGet together 聚集 .take off表离开,take F...
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