早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1)主语 subject
The girl can sing many English songs.
We are students./ This is my pen.Yours is on the desk.
The blind need more help.
To speak loudly in public is not polite.
Smoking is bad for your health.
2)谓语 predicate
I love you.You hate me.You hurt my heart.
I have an English-Chinese dictionary.He has one too.
We can play the piano.
She is talking with her sister./ I have seen this man before.
3)宾语 object
He is doing his homework./ I saw a plane in the sky just now.
They did nothing this morning./ I met him on my way home.
She wants to go home.
We enjoy playing football.
\x05He gave me a book.
\x05Pass me the ball,will you?
My best friend sent me a Christmas card.
4)表语 predicative
I am a teacher.My work is teaching English.Huaibei is beautiful.
I am all right.He looks tired.I feel good today.This mooncake tastes delicious.
She is not a good singer.
My question is how you knew him.
5)宾语补足语 object complement
She makes her mother angry.
We find the story very interesting.
I found it difficult to learn English well./ The sun keeps us warm.
The doctor told me to do more exercise.
6)定语 attribute
Huaibei is a beautiful city./ A bright future shines before our eyes.
She is a chemistry teacher./ This song is better than that one.
Do you know the young man over there?
We have something to do tomorrow.
7)状语 adverbial
Last night she didn’t go to the party because of the rain.
Mr.Smith lives on the third floor.
He has greatly improved his spoken English by practicing day after day.
I must work harder in order to catch up with others.
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