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巴顿将军之所以总是能打胜仗 有一个很重要的原因就是他做到了身为领导者应有的带头作用 他临危不乱 在最危险的时候依然能冷静的思考 有一股天塌下来我不怕的霸气 大大的激励了士兵们的士气 同样只有冷静下来 我们才能准确的思考分析 避免犯下不必要犯得错误 影片中有一段镜头是巴顿命令手下强渡一条大河 属下由于观察地形 迟迟没有行动 巴顿将军这时已经出现在了河对面 对下属喊话 要他们快点渡河 这时 一个炮弹刚好落在巴顿将军面前的河里 激起大片水花 巴顿将军却面不改色 像什么都没发生样 回到车上 前往下一个据点.还有一个镜头是,巴顿被重新重要后 在法国接受记者采访 记者旧事从提的问巴顿是不是又想打士兵的耳光 这次他忍住了 他不会犯同一个错误.小不忍则乱大谋,在生活中我们或许会受到这样或那样的不公平待遇,如果不去避其锋芒,受伤的只会是自己.
只需要大概根据这个翻译就行 不需要逐字逐句翻译
General Patton was always victories,there is a very important reason is that he did as the leader of the leading role.He sang froid on,in the most dangerous time can still cool thinking,a day I fall down,greatly inspired the soldiers' morale.Calm down,we also can be accurately,avoid thinking without make mistakes committed.In the film has a lens is under a command button,due to the force under observation terrain,hesitated action.General Patton then has appeared in the river,the subordinate propaganda,opposite them hurry to cross the river.At this moment,a shell just before the fall in the general Patton,mighty splash into the river.General Patton without batting an eye,like nothing happens,back to the car and went down a stronghold.There is a scene,Patton was in France after the reuse,told reporters.The reporter asked joey barton isn't mention again want to beat the box on the ear,the soldiers from him,he won't make the same mistake.A little neglect may breed great mischief,in life we may by this or that kind of unfair treatment,if not to avoid the sharpness,will only hurt yourself.
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