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Think back to your youthful teenage years and the days of school that only remain as mere memories,whether good or bad.
Recall the big yellow bus that arrived so faithfully each and every morning,your friends,eager to learn of your most intimate secrets,your favorite teacher greeting you with a smile,and the class period that seemed it would never end.
We all have in our minds the way school should be,because that is how we remember it.But,if you have been into a school lately,whether it be elementary or secondary,you will quickly realize that the images you maintain in your mind do not accurately portray the environment that students of today are required to succeed in.
Children,in today's technologically advanced society,are growing up in an educational environment that is struggling to overcome the teacher centered classroom in which student achievement is based on a system of memorization and recitation of material contained in a single content area textbook.In order for students to succeed in today's competitive society,they must be given the opportunity and the guidance to develop not only knowledge level skills,but they should graduate from high school with the ability to use that knowledge in "real world" situations.Teachers are slowly realizing that traditional methods of teaching are no longer capable of providing students with an educational foundation that is strong enough to withstand the pressures of such a technologically dependent society.
Traditionally,textbooks have been the focal point for most of the instruction that students incur during class lectures or
other related educational activities.Whether listening to classroom discussion or working on class assignments,most students either use their textbooks exclusively and copy word for word,or they simple ignore the book because they feel it is too complicated or confusing.Often times this lack of meaningful integration that teachers expect with text books can be attributed to a student's lack of knowledge on how their textbook is organized and how they should approach the text when faced with a problem.Another problem with content area textbooks is that they often times provide for a more extensive,not intensive,treatment of subject matter.This leads to information that,instead of building a rich context and background for understanding difficult concepts,provides the bare minimum essentials necessary for understanding before moving on to another subject (Vacca & Vacca,1999).Many teachers,who feel the pressure of covering a certain amount of specific material in a given amount of time,often view this static one-way instructional system involving textbooks as an efficient way of covering material.However,what teachers make up for in material covered and time saved,their students lose in comprehension and relevance.
Think back to your youthful teenage years and the days of school that only remain as mere memories,whether good or bad.Recall the big yellow bus that arrived so faithfully each and every morning,your ...
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