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我应聘了一个公司,但对方用英语给我回复了E-mail我看不懂~ 所以我要来麻烦大家了 请帮我翻译一下好吗 谢谢了 Dear Mr/Ms.Shen Chen,We are very delighted to inform you that you have been selected for employment with TCS China!We congratulate you on your success!Please find attached a copy of the following documents which would guide you to completion of necessary pre-joining formalities:-- Offer Letter -- List of Hospitals for Medical Check-Up -- TCS China Resume Template (Needs to be completed and email back) -- Welcome Letter -- New Hire Background Check Report -- Acceptance of Offer (Need to fill and email back) -- EMP ID Template (Need to fill and email back) Request review the attached documents and send back the following documents through mail or fax:1. Acceptance Of Offer 聘用意向书接受函 2. CV-Template 简历模板 3. Medical Check Report 体检报告 4. Non-Criminal Evidence.The Criminal Certificate should only be issued by Local Police Station. 无犯罪记录证明 - 需由户口所在地派出所出具此证明.5. Background Check Report - Pls fill in the template then revert back by email. 背景调查报告 - 请将邮件附件中的模板填写完整后回执.6. Termination letter - Please provide the termination letter of current company. 离职证明 - 请提供当前公司的离职证明 ( 退工单 / 劳动手册).7. EMP ID Template - Pls fill in the template then revert back by email. 员工号模板 - 请将附件中员工信息模板填写完整后回执.
我应聘了一个公司,但对方用英语给我回复了E-mail我看不懂~ 所以我要来麻烦大家了 请帮我翻译一下好吗 谢谢了 Dear Mr/Ms.Shen Chen,We are very delighted to inform you that you have been selected for employment with TCS China!We congratulate you on your success!Please find attached a copy of the following documents which would guide you to completion of necessary pre-joining formalities:-- Offer Letter -- List of Hospitals for Medical Check-Up -- TCS China Resume Template (Needs to be completed and email back) -- Welcome Letter -- New Hire Background Check Report -- Acceptance of Offer (Need to fill and email back) -- EMP ID Template (Need to fill and email back) Request review the attached documents and send back the following documents through mail or fax:1. Acceptance Of Offer 聘用意向书接受函 2. CV-Template 简历模板 3. Medical Check Report 体检报告 4. Non-Criminal Evidence.The Criminal Certificate should only be issued by Local Police Station. 无犯罪记录证明 - 需由户口所在地派出所出具此证明.5. Background Check Report - Pls fill in the template then revert back by email. 背景调查报告 - 请将邮件附件中的模板填写完整后回执.6. Termination letter - Please provide the termination letter of current company. 离职证明 - 请提供当前公司的离职证明 ( 退工单 / 劳动手册).7. EMP ID Template - Pls fill in the template then revert back by email. 员工号模板 - 请将附件中员工信息模板填写完整后回执.
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