早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.I don't know the a__________ to the question.It's a difficult question.
2.He is not tall e__________ to reach the apples on the tree.
3.C__________ Day is on June 1st.
4.Which s__________ do you like best of the year?
5.There are two l__________ in our town.There are many books in them.
6.An orange __________ (尝起来) sour.I don't like it.
7.Would you like __________ (西红柿) or potatoes?
8.My grandpa often tells us funny __________ (故事).
9.You need to have a big breakfast to keep __________ (健康).
10.Kate _________ (花费) two hours watching TV at the weekend.
1.answer   2.enough   3.Children's   4.season   5.libraries   6.tastes   7.tomatoes   8.stories   9.healthy  &nb...

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