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What is a drug?Most people probably think
there is a (1)perfectly simple answer to this question.In fact,if one carries
a quick survey on any street corner,one finds that according
to the (2)great vast majority of people,there are two groups of drugs:those
prescribed by doctors,and those which people take for non- (3)medical use.As
medicine and the medical career are generally self-respected,there aren’t many objections to the
use of (4)prescribed drugs.What most people don’t realize is that when prescribed drugs are usually thought
beneficial,they can also (5)present serious problems.There were many people
addicted by tranquilizers before doctors
began to prescribe them:now there (6)being literally millions who depend on
them.The acceptance of the use of drugs
for non-medical reasons is largely a matter of (7)culture.Some Eastern people
think the consumption of alcohol (8)with horror,mainly as a means of religious
upbringing.However,these same people freely use marijuana without a second
thought,(9)while this,in turn,is not accepted in Western culture which
approves of alcohol.In most Western societies,tea or coffee break (10)is now
a part of the life,and huge numbers of these drinks are consumed daily.