早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


This little village has _______ great changes over the past decade.选择一项:a.exploded b.explained c.experienced d.explored 题目4还未回答满分1.00Flag question题干–_____ does the taxi driver charge you?–$ 25.选择一项:a.What money b.How many c.What price d.How much 题目5还未回答满分1.00Flag question题干We should all buy insurance _______ we need medical treatment someday.选择一项:a.but b.so that c.in case d.in order that 题目6还未回答满分1.00Flag question题干It’s a pretty house,but it’s not worth the _______ these people are asking.选择一项:a.cost b.bargain c.value d.price 题目7还未回答满分1.00Flag question题干–Thanks for your help.--_________.选择一项:a.Don’t thank me.b.Quite right.c.My pleasure.d.With favor.题目8还未回答满分1.00Flag question题干The boys enjoy ______ basketball very much.选择一项:a.playing b.played c.play d.to play 题目9还未回答满分1.00Flag question题干Miss Taylor has many faults,but her employees are all _______ her.选择一项:a.angry with b.annoyed at c.fond of d.surprised at 题目10还未回答满分1.00Flag question题干How can you ______ your time like that,Bob?You still have your school work to do.选择一项:a.kill b.cut c.do d.kick