早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
learning how to relax is not just for success
Learning how to relax is not just for success but for your happiness too.Here are ways to relax.
Did you do something all the time as a kid?Do you want to c 1 the biggest tree like a child?It’s amazing.Turn off TV sets and stop your computer g 2 ,just act like a kid whenever you can.If you have kids of your own,ask them to j 3 in these activities with you.Ride a bike to the park.Make a s 4 in winter .You’ll have a good time with your kids.
Nothing beats a good night’s rest.Why not sleep for a while?S 5 eyes can help you relax.A dark,cool and quiet room is the best.Try a cup of tea.A warm bath can also help you.
Cook a d 6 dinner.Check what ingredients you have in your kitchen,and look up a recipe.Pick s 7 simple to make.Finally,enjoy your delicious meal.
Go on a hike or go to the park.Sometimes we are i 8 shopping malls and we forget to stop and smell the flowers.Science has proved that patients recover faster w 9 they have a view of trees and flowers from their windows.So enjoy nature,please.B ring a blanket to the park and lie o 10 ,or go for a hike and take in the scenery.Lie in the sun,breathe in the fresh air.
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Learning how to relax is not just for success but for your happiness too.Here are ways to relax.
Did you do something all the time as a kid?Do you want to c 1 the biggest tree like a child?It’s amazing.Turn off TV sets and stop your computer g 2 ,just act like a kid whenever you can.If you have kids of your own,ask them to j 3 in these activities with you.Ride a bike to the park.Make a s 4 in winter .You’ll have a good time with your kids.
Nothing beats a good night’s rest.Why not sleep for a while?S 5 eyes can help you relax.A dark,cool and quiet room is the best.Try a cup of tea.A warm bath can also help you.
Cook a d 6 dinner.Check what ingredients you have in your kitchen,and look up a recipe.Pick s 7 simple to make.Finally,enjoy your delicious meal.
Go on a hike or go to the park.Sometimes we are i 8 shopping malls and we forget to stop and smell the flowers.Science has proved that patients recover faster w 9 they have a view of trees and flowers from their windows.So enjoy nature,please.B ring a blanket to the park and lie o 10 ,or go for a hike and take in the scenery.Lie in the sun,breathe in the fresh air.
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6.__________ 7.__________ 8.__________ 9.__________ 10.__________
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