早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
根据下面的资料阐述自己观点,不少于80个英语单词.英语口语用 谢谢谢谢········
some people prefer to live in a small town.others prefer to live in a big city.which place would you prefer to live in?use specific reasons and examples to support your choice
some people prefer to live in a small town.others prefer to live in a big city.which place would you prefer to live in?use specific reasons and examples to support your choice
Different people have different point of views. As for me , I would prefer to live in a big city. Because live in a big city, we can find a large number of entertainment multiplexes, shopping malls, educational institutions, restaurants and so on.Especially the standard of education is also very high in cities.
Big cities have most of the big companies with whom I could persue my career. The environment is competitive and will help me give my best. Therefore, I believe living in a big city is more beneficial than living in a small town.
Big cities have most of the big companies with whom I could persue my career. The environment is competitive and will help me give my best. Therefore, I believe living in a big city is more beneficial than living in a small town.
初二物理(关于电的)将一束扯成线状的塑料扎绳用清洁干燥的手自上而下地捋几下,塑料绳子将会出现什么现 2020-04-12 …
跟煤\石油等化石燃料相比,用氢气做燃料有什么不足?在线等如题(最好能多写出几条)谢谢! 2020-05-16 …
请问这个锥要怎么下料?这个锥要怎么下料需要用到什么公式的话,麻烦写下来谢谢 2020-05-17 …
求把下面三句话翻译成英文是有关于食物的谢谢着急啊如果你不是想好好答题请不要进来随便写答案谢谢1.喜 2020-05-17 …
(10分)乳酸(CH3—CHOH—COOH)是人体生理活动的一种代谢产物,其聚合物(聚乳酸)是一 2020-05-17 …
数学题谢谢仓库里面有一批8米长的钢筋,现在要截出2米长的毛坯40根,设计最省料的下料方案?问要几根 2020-07-03 …
急了、、粘塑料的杯子用什么好谢谢了,用鸡蛋清好用么?杯子挺重要的被我摔裂了、推荐几种方法粘得住还好 2020-07-07 …
求解一道数学题甲乙两库分别存原料290吨与190吨,若甲库每天调出5吨,乙库每天调入10吨,多少天 2020-07-19 …
乳酸(CH3-CHOH-COOH)是人体生理活动的一种代谢产物,其聚合物(聚乳酸)是一种新型可生物降 2020-11-03 …
谢谢各位英语专业人士,帮我翻译一下下面的东西吧.再次感谢.1.里面可能混有少量的PC材料,如果用来生 2020-11-14 …