早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


A.making it a bit difficult to tell who was whom
B.sending clothes to the children
C.by taking a competition
D.finding out what our children were doing
E.while I was waiting by the school gate
F.because of the cold weather
It was so cold outside yesterday evening 1____,like many parents waiting for their sons or daughters,with a coat under the arm 2_______.We loving parents noticed the changesof the weather to come up with the idea-3_______.Did they think it was a duty of the parents or were they grateful for what we did?All the lights in the teaching building were brightly on,and at 8:30 pm,the students in their school sports suits came out of the gate in twos or threes,4_______.It was not only a competition among the students,but also among the parents-it seems to me that the parents love their only child as if they loved their pet,and that they would feel happy or unhappy if the pet,5________,Won a prize or fell behind.The results of their study for the students are just like the competition for the pets.Oh,poor boys and girls!Poor Dad and Mom!
It was so cold outside yesterday evening 1_E_,like many parents waiting for their sons or daughters,with a coat under the arm 2_F_.We loving parents noticed the changes of the weather to come up with the idea-3_B_.Did they think it was a duty of the parents or were they grateful for what we did?All the lights in the teaching building were brightly on,and at 8:30 pm,the students in their school sports suits came out of the gate in twos or threes,4_A_.It was not only a competition among the students,but also among the parents-it seems to me that the parents love their only child as if they loved their pet,and that they would feel happy or unhappy if the pet,5_C_,Won a prize or fell behind.The results of their study for the students are just like the competition for the pets.Oh,poor boys and girls!Poor Dad and Mom!

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