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英语完形填空题, 请讲解一下
1. It’s time for _______________(he) to return the book tothe library.
2. The club is______________( make ) up of 20 members.
3. Remember_______________(turn) off the tap when don’t needwater.
4. Please speak ina loud ____________(voice) so that we can hear.
5. How much________________( pocket money) have you got every week ?
6. He continued________________(explain) the reason why he was late.
7. I like a lot ofsports and I am good at _______ basketball. (play)
8.Water is ___________________________ to us. (value)
9.The salt is from a place _________ Jiangsu.(name)
10. My parentstake me to visit my grandparents ________ a month. (one)
1.him,it's time for sb(宾语形式) to do sth
2made,be made up of 由...组成
3.to turn,remrmber to do 记得做某事(这事还没做),remember doing (记得做过,已经做完了)
4.voice,in a loud voice 大声说
5.pocket money ,零花钱,钱不可数 原型即可
6.to explain,continue to do 继续做..
7.playing,be good at sth/doing sth
8.valuable,be valuable to sb , valuable为形容词形式
10.once,once a month 一次一个月