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长难句语法分析 英语六级阅读2013年12月A篇 第五行
原句:Partly this isa result of how bleak the academic job market is,but there’s also a risingawareness of career options thatPh.D.scientists haven’t trained fordirectly——but for which they have useful knowledge,skills,and experience.
这一句but for which they have useful knowledge,skills,and experience.中的which they have作什么语法成分,they是理科博士吗?have是拥有什么?
题目中有字母打错了,这样的对的:but there's also a rising awareness of career options that Ph.D.scientists
haven't trained for directly—but for which they have useful knowledge,skills,
and experience.
其中 我翻译成这样:人们逐渐意识到,理科博士并没有直接以职业选择为目的进行训练,而是 以(“将要 拥有知识技能和经验”)为目的进行训练 .如果按一楼说 which they have作状语去掉,句子说的通,也很顺利.而这样一来 which they have就不是状语了,而是for + 一件事情,这件事情是 我拥有知识技能和经验.
所以呢,which the have 到底是
1 定语,定在 知识技能 是他们将要拥有的
2 状语,
3 是直接和后面一句一起 作for 的宾语
你翻译的基本反映了句中的意思.关于 Ph.D. scientists haven’t trained fordirectly——but for which they have useful knowledge, skills, and experience.前一个for和but 后面的for都是目的状语,说明train的目的...