早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1.you will see many seats (only) at a stadium in beijing.2 I have (seldom) seen a situation which made me so angry 3.you'll be able to write a good reprot (only after) you have acquired the information you need.4.he gave a lot of presents to his friends,but he has (never)given one to me.
1.you will see many seats (only) at a stadium in beijing.2 I have (seldom) seen a situation which made me so angry 3.you'll be able to write a good reprot (only after) you have acquired the information you need.4.he gave a lot of presents to his friends,but he has (never)given one to me.
1 only at a stadium in beijing will you see many seats 2 seldom have you seen a situation which made me so angry 3 only after you have acquired the information you need will you be be able to write a good reprot 4 he gave a lot of presents to his friends but never has he given one to me
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