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高分 求份英文自我介绍 100字内请别用翻译软件翻译! 我叫吴阳,毕业于衢州学院, 在网络公司实习半年,当网页设计师。在学校负责校网站的管理。且为许多企业单位设计过网站,对网络很熟练,对计算机硬件有所了解。个人行动力比较强,请别用翻译软件翻译,能积极主动的配合领导完成工作,具有很好的人际沟通能力和良好的团队协作精神。能独立完成网站的制作维护和推广,能吃苦耐劳
My name is WU Yang graduated from Quzhou College, in the network company internship for six months, when the web page designer. At School is responsible for the management of the school site. And for many business units designed website, the network is very skilled, knowledge of computer hardware. Personal mobility are relatively strong, Please do not use translation software to translate, can be pro-active leadership with the completion of work, have good interpersonal communication skills and good teamwork spirit. Can be independently produced Web site maintenance and promotion, can bear hardships and stand hard