早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
there was a guy named Odd.For his whole life he hated that name.So before he died,he asked his wife not to put his name on the tomb stone,and his wife agreed.
When Odd died,only his birth and death dates were recorded on the stone.
As the years past,visitors to the graveyard would pause when they saw his stone,and say to each other,
"Look at this grave!Isn't that Odd?"
有一个人名字叫“Odd",他活着的时候非常痛恨这个名字,所以在临死之前嘱咐他的妻子说,在我的墓碑上不要刻我的名字,他的妻子答应了他的要求.在他死之后,他的墓碑上只有他出生和去世的时间,没有名字.随着时间的流逝,每当有人路过他的墓前时总要停下来说一句:看那个墓,“isn't that Odd?“
注:isn't that Odd 意思是:多奇怪啊!(因为墓碑没有名字).但笑话的点就在这里,如果“Odd"是人名的话,这句话就可以译成:那不是Odd吗?
there was a guy named Odd.For his whole life he hated that name.So before he died,he asked his wife not to put his name on the tomb stone,and his wife agreed.
When Odd died,only his birth and death dates were recorded on the stone.
As the years past,visitors to the graveyard would pause when they saw his stone,and say to each other,
"Look at this grave!Isn't that Odd?"
有一个人名字叫“Odd",他活着的时候非常痛恨这个名字,所以在临死之前嘱咐他的妻子说,在我的墓碑上不要刻我的名字,他的妻子答应了他的要求.在他死之后,他的墓碑上只有他出生和去世的时间,没有名字.随着时间的流逝,每当有人路过他的墓前时总要停下来说一句:看那个墓,“isn't that Odd?“
注:isn't that Odd 意思是:多奇怪啊!(因为墓碑没有名字).但笑话的点就在这里,如果“Odd"是人名的话,这句话就可以译成:那不是Odd吗?
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