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请大家分析后面那句,a monstrous...negligence咋理解?turned、in their locks在里面是什么意思?
In the lift her thoughts were on lunch and a good rest; but when she got out at her own floor,both were forgotten in her sudden discovery that her front door was open.(She was thinking that she must reprimand her home help the next morning for such a monstrous piece of negligence,when she remembered that she had gone shopping after the home help had left and she knew that she had turned both keys in their locks.)
in their locks中的their指的是什么?when在里面是什么意思?整句的语法怎么理解,我对语法不太了解,分析得越详细越好,
1.such a monstrous piece of negligence 是“如此不可原谅的疏忽”(指保洁工居然忘了锁门).2.when 是“突然”.3.their 指“钥匙的”.4.译文:“在电梯里,她还在回想刚才的午餐和美好的休憩.到了她的楼层,当她走出...