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Australia's national flower - Acacia
Acacia is a legume barbed irrigation operation or small trees, two back pinnate, capitate clusters in leaf axils, when in full bloom, as if the golden ball in general. In Australia, you will find a little attention, residents of the garden iswalled in, but with the Acacia as spiny, around the house, very chic. When the flowering season, flower hedge like a golden shield, with a strong fragrance,intoxicated. Acacia is a kind of economic trees, fragrant flowers can be extracted aromatic oil as senior perfume and cosmetics raw materials.
Acacia is a legume barbed irrigation operation or small trees, two back pinnate, capitate clusters in leaf axils, when in full bloom, as if the golden ball in general. In Australia, you will find a little attention, residents of the garden iswalled in, but with the Acacia as spiny, around the house, very chic. When the flowering season, flower hedge like a golden shield, with a strong fragrance,intoxicated. Acacia is a kind of economic trees, fragrant flowers can be extracted aromatic oil as senior perfume and cosmetics raw materials.
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