早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.It will be nearly three years since I came to live and work here.(soon)
2.Please put your name on piece of paper.(write)
3.He belongs to the Modern Language Association of America.(member)
4.I can still remember the good time I had when I was young.(youth)
5.What does she say in her letter?(write)
6.The whole family went on a holiday last month.(member)
7.Can you put it in English?(write)
8.Be careful.Don’t let it fall on the ground.(drop)
9.We’re leaving the office in 5 or 10 minutes’ time.(soon)
10.The tourists have just got to Guangzhou.(arrive)
1.It will be nearly three years soon after I came to live and work here.
2.Please write your name on piece of paper.
3.He is a member of the Modern Language Association of America.
4.I can still remember the good time of my youth.
5.What does she write in her letter?
6.All the family members went on a holiday last month.
7.Can you write it in English?
8.8.Be careful.Don’t drop it on the ground.
9.We’re leaving the office soon.
10.The tourists have just arrived in Guangzhou.

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