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My unforgettable high school days
As time go by,unforgettable memory still vivid in my mind every now and then.I don’t have any great event to talk about,but here I want to share my experience of the high school life.I must say that it’s really unforgettable memory in my life.My high school life as the most enjoyed days only because of friends.In addition,if I could turn the clock back,I wound apologize to Miss Wang for my rudeness and offensiveness.
I must say that it’s really unforgettable memory in my life.Under the pressure we lived our life to the fullest,and enjoyed the true interesting things that we may have never cared before.High school was a turning point in my life.My attitude to learning,my world outlook and my philosophy of life all changed.I turned to be positive and strong.I also gained many people’s true and pure friendship,also teachers’ and classmates’.In some way,I like that kind of life,as it taught me many things.I’d never learned before.Teachers helped me a lot.
My high school life as the most enjoyed days only because of friends.Friends are always a treasure to be with.I got very good friends in my high school and we were all united and there were equalities between us.I liked all the students of my class and there were no ego that one is the best and the other is not likewise.Everyone seemed to be jovial and funny.All we experienced is only happiness and joy.Only thing that I could tell my friends is "I could never ever forget you all my dear friends"
In addition,if I could turn the clock back,I wound apologize to Miss Wang for my rudeness and offensiveness.Miss Wang taught us Chinese.She was pretty kind and openhearted.You could imagine a sunshine young lady with a smile standing in front of a group of troublemaking teens.One day,I asked Miss Wang some informal questions in her class.She didn’t reply at once.I thought her ignorance as contempt and insult.After that unhappy experience I didn’t attend her class any more.I felt sorry for her.
I've really enjoyed my time and experience in high school.As time go by,unforgettable memory still vivid in my mind every now and then.I am happy that I have those experiences in high school.

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