早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
对的是 T 错的是F
there is a common language in every country in the world.all the people use it.it 's easy to understand ,although you don't hear it.it 's sign language.when you wave hand to a friend ,you are using language.when you smile at someone,you mean to be friendly.when you put up your hand in class,you are saying ,''please ask me.w know the answer,''when you put one finger in front of your mouth,you mean ''quiet''.but somethings the same gesture means different things in different countries.the deaf people use sign language to talk with each other.there are some schools for the deaf people.there are also tv programs for the deaf people.
( )1.there are many different languages in the world.
( )2.all the people can speak the same language,
( )3.the deaf people can understand each other by using the sign language.
( )4.smiling is also a sign language.
( )the same gesture has the same meaning in every country in the world.
最好把相关语句也说,复制 粘贴一下就好了,
对的是 T 错的是F
there is a common language in every country in the world.all the people use it.it 's easy to understand ,although you don't hear it.it 's sign language.when you wave hand to a friend ,you are using language.when you smile at someone,you mean to be friendly.when you put up your hand in class,you are saying ,''please ask me.w know the answer,''when you put one finger in front of your mouth,you mean ''quiet''.but somethings the same gesture means different things in different countries.the deaf people use sign language to talk with each other.there are some schools for the deaf people.there are also tv programs for the deaf people.
( )1.there are many different languages in the world.
( )2.all the people can speak the same language,
( )3.the deaf people can understand each other by using the sign language.
( )4.smiling is also a sign language.
( )the same gesture has the same meaning in every country in the world.
最好把相关语句也说,复制 粘贴一下就好了,
1.T这个根据生活.2.F理由同上3.Tthe deaf people use sign language to talk with each other4.T根据全文,微笑也是一种肢体语言5.Fbut somethings the same gesture means different things in different countries...
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