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We have many ways to learn English. Now some useful methods will be introduced. The first one is listening. When we want to chat with a foreigner, if we couldn't understand what he said, we cannot chat with him. So we must practice our listening in everyday life. Such as listening to English songs and watching English movies and TV programmes. We should insist on listening everyday then we will make progross. Secondly, we should practice speaking English. For example, we can join the English Corner to make friends and practice English with them. The most important point is don't be shy. We can also imitate other people's words in movies. Thirdly, reading more English books. We can read English newspaper and magazines daily. That's a good way to know the latest news and improve our understanding of English. Also, we can read English stories we are interested in. Fourthly, writing. Writing is a good way to test your English level. Wring English diaries can help us increase our English aoplication ability. We should adhere to practice writing everyday then we will be crowned with success.
All in all, learning English need a long way to go. Just practice in your daily life. Practice makes perfect.

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