早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
写一篇短文描述20年后的世界 英语作文
In year 2034, the world would be
more modernized. I suppose it
would be a more eco friendly
world as more and more countries
are knowing that we must save
the environment for our next
generation. The world would be
paperless. All document would be
stored in memory chips and easily
retrieve with a password. As to
save the environment, more fuel
effective automobiles would be
invented.Likely, natural energy,
like solar energyl, hydro, wind
would be more popular to provide
power. I do hope we can take a
further step in neuclear power
generation in a safe way.
more modernized. I suppose it
would be a more eco friendly
world as more and more countries
are knowing that we must save
the environment for our next
generation. The world would be
paperless. All document would be
stored in memory chips and easily
retrieve with a password. As to
save the environment, more fuel
effective automobiles would be
invented.Likely, natural energy,
like solar energyl, hydro, wind
would be more popular to provide
power. I do hope we can take a
further step in neuclear power
generation in a safe way.
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