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麻烦英语好的帮我看下这段英文有那19个错误的地方:拜托各位了 3Q
I=(Capitalization, language usage,comma,period and spelling II=(Capitalization,apostrophe,period,spelling) I-People the world over has been flying kites for centuries in fact, kites were invented over two thousand years ago! one ancient story tells of a Chinese general his army was trying to overthrow a cruel emperor. The general made a kit he tied a not in the string Next, his soldiers flew it in the direction of the palace the general marked the string and reeled in the kite II- the general measured the length between the knot and the mark he made on the kite string. he used this measurement to plan a tunnel to the emperors palace His solders spent days digging the tunnel. Finally, it was ready His soldiers crept through the tunnel they came out inside the walls of the palace The cruel emperor was defeeted with the help of a simple kite! 谢谢了
总共19个错误.多数都是因为没有句号.错误的地方我都用 Bold 的字体标志了.句号的位置不太容易看清,不过.People the world over have been flying kites for centuries .I n fact,kites were invented over two thousand years ago!O ne ancient story tells of a Chinese general .H is army was trying to overthrow a cruel emperor.The general made a kit e.H e tied a knot in the string .(这句子也有可能是:The general made a kite and tied a knot in the string.)Next,his soldiers flew it in the direction of the palace .T he general marked the string and reeled in the kite .II- T he general measured the length between the knot and the mark he made on the kite string.H e used this measurement to plan a tunnel to the emperor ’ s palace .His solders spent days digging the tunnel.Finally,it was ready .His soldiers crept through the tunnel and came out inside the walls of the palace .The cruel emperor was defe a ted with the help of a simple kite!
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